Eudunda Swimming Pool

Eudunda Swimming Pool

The Eudunda Community Swimming Pool Welcomes All. 

Eudunda Swimming Pool is Open

The Eudunda Community Swimming Pool Public swimming season commences in November and closes in March each year. 

Entrance fees have remained at $2 per person/session and includes spectators.

Opening Temperature: The Eudunda Swimming Pool will only be open for public swimming if the forecast temperature on the News Reports the night before say that the “Port Pirie weather forecast” for the day will be 28 degrees or over.

In 2019 the pool has new access steps, shade sails and safety fencing thanks to a grant funding from the Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program Grant of $25,800 along with the Regional Council of Goyder – Eudunda Ward Funding each contributing 50% toward the upgrades at the Eudunda Swimming Pool, as reported in the Southern Goyder News back on the 20th May 2019

Times: Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays and School Holidays) session times will be between the hours of 9am and 10.30am and 3.30pm and 7.00pm (temperature permitting)

Weekends, Public Holiday and School Holiday session times are between the hours of 9am and 10.30am and 1.00pm and 7.00pm (temperature permitting).

If you are not sure if the pool will be open, especially if you have distance to travel, Check the Facebook Feed
OR call
Swimming Pool on 08 8581 1077  Or Pool Manager Steve’s mobile 0414 703 345

Tourists Welcome to use the Eudunda Swimming Pool! If you are travelling in the region and wish to have a quick dip in a pool, or spend the afternoon resting at the pool, our Eudunda Swimming Pool could well be the perfect place for you to visit. With an entrance fee of just $2.00 it would have to be one of the cheapest relaxing afternoons on offer as well. 

How convenient is it that the Eudunda Caravan Park is right next door, so pull up, set up and relax with a swim.